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Frank B.


Registered Nurse




Chalk Pink

F: Kannst du uns etwas über einen Moment oder eine Geschichte erzählen, die dich daran erinnert, warum du es liebst, Krankenschwester zu sein?

F: Kannst du uns etwas über einen Moment oder eine Geschichte erzählen, die dich daran erinnert, warum du es liebst, Krankenschwester zu sein?

A: Ich wurde gebeten, den ersten COVID-19-Impfstoff in meinem Krankenhaus zu verabreichen. Es hat mich daran erinnert, warum ich es liebe, Krankenschwester zu sein – wir stehen für Hoffnung.

Q: What is your name, and where do you work?

A: My name is Frank. I am a nurse at NYU Langone Health in New York City.

Q: What made you decide to be a nurse?

A: I became a nurse because I used to be a patient transporter. As a patient transporter, I used to see what nurses did with patients and how they worked with patients, and that inspired me to become a nurse — to join their team and make an impact like one of them.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you?

A: My day plays out the following way: I'll get to work, and then I'll look at the assignment sheet. I usually have one to two patients, depending on how critical they are. If they're critically ill, I will just take one patient, but if they're stable, I'll have two. Once I know my assignment, I will go look at the patients, make sure that they're breathing, and then I'll wait for the nurse to take a report by the bedside. After the report, we'll design a plan, and we'll go about our day according to the patient's plan and goal for the day.

Q: What do you wish that people outside of healthcare knew/understood about nurses?

A: People in nursing build a community with one another, unlike any other profession. Nurses support each other in every way, and sometimes with that support from your fellow nurses, you're able to talk about things that you can't really speak to your family about, that you can't take back home. That community allows you to differentiate the home and work environment, and it also helps you not to bring home the hardships and tough experiences you've faced at work.

Q: What do you think your superpower is?

A: My superpower is tenacity. I am a tenacious person. I am determined. I'm persevering. I never give up, and that's what being a nurse means to me.

Q: Tell us about a moment or a story that reminds you why you love to be a nurse?

A: I was asked to administer the first COVID-19 vaccine at my hospital. It reminded me why I love being a nurse — we represent hope. We bring hope to the communities and people and patients we serve. And I love that because I love to believe that I represent hope.

Read full interview


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