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At FIGS, we’re creating the world we want to live in, so it’s incredibly important to us that we have a supply chain that’s free of slavery, human trafficking or any other human rights abuses.

This starts by working only with the highest quality and most ethical suppliers. We structure our supplier program with this goal top of mind and care deeply about the working conditions for those who make our products.

Before we work with them, all of our suppliers must comply with our Vendor Code of Conduct, which lays out our high standards and expectations. This includes a firm rule that our suppliers not use involuntary or forced labor, whether indentured, bonded, prison or labor from human trafficking.

We also take other steps to further reduce any chance of slavery, human trafficking or other human right abuses in our direct supply chain:

Contractual Obligations

As part of their contractual adherence to our Vendor Code of Conduct—which is non-negotiable—all of our direct suppliers (“Tier I Suppliers”) agree not to engage in any abusive labor practices and to provide working conditions that meet or exceed the labor standards established by the United Nations International Labor Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, local labor laws and the standards established by the Fair Labor Association.

Our Tier I Suppliers also agree to make sure that all of their suppliers, vendors, agents and subcontractors comply with all of these same commitments from our Vendor Code of Conduct, and that their supply chains and all the materials they use for our products comply with national and international laws prohibiting forced labor and human trafficking. We also require that any subcontractors and facilities used by our Tier I Suppliers be approved by us in advance.

Supplier Certification

Even though we do our own diligence, it’s also important to us that our suppliers be vetted independently. That’s why we also require that every Tier I Supplier that we use to make our apparel products be certified through the Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (“WRAP”) program, which is an independent third-party organization focused on promoting safe, lawful, humane and ethical manufacturing. WRAP’s core principles emphasize the importance of well-treated, fairly compensated workers and prohibits the use of forced or involuntary labor. WRAP awards Gold certifications to facilities that demonstrate full compliance with WRAP’s 12 principles and Platinum certifications to facilities that have demonstrated full compliance with WRAP’s 12 principles for three consecutive certification audits. Every Tier I Supplier of our apparel products must have a Gold or Platinum certification in order to work with us, and we have a contractual right to terminate our relationship if they fail to meet our ethical standards.


As part of the required WRAP certifications, these suppliers also must pass regular announced independent audits by WRAP to make sure they’re staying in compliance. In addition, we at FIGS conduct announced visits at all of our Tier I Suppliers on average two times each month, and announced visits at the upstream suppliers that we select for our Tier I Suppliers on average one time each month, to review their operations with our own eyes.

These audits are an opportunity for us to strengthen our relationship with our suppliers and work together to prevent any issues, hopefully before they ever occur. These audits also give us a direct line of sight into the working conditions of our suppliers and allow us to hold them accountable to the specific labor standards from our Vendor Code of Conduct.

Zero Tolerance

We reserve the right to terminate our business relationship with any supplier that violates our Vendor Code of Conduct, and this includes having a zero-tolerance policy against forced labor, human trafficking or other human rights abuses. We simply will not work with suppliers who violate our principles.

Training and Education

Although we don’t currently provide specialized training on slavery and human trafficking to our suppliers or internal teams, we require all Tier I Suppliers and their upstream suppliers to maintain the standards set forth in our Vendor Code of Conduct, which include the prohibition on the use of forced labor or human trafficking, and all of our employees must follow our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which requires all employees to comply with all applicable labor and employment laws. We also regularly work with industry organizations and other companies so that we stay on top of the latest developments and regulations impacting labor in our supply chain.

Our goal is to make the best products in the world for the best people in the world, and to do that with a deep sense of humanity and integrity. Our Awesome Humans serve those ideals every day, and we aspire to do the same.