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Laura G.






Dusty Blue

Q: You have a lot on your plate. How do you find balance in all of this?

Q: You have a lot on your plate. How do you find balance in all of this?

A: There is no secret recipe, there's no secret sauce. It's just what you need for you on that day to show up and be the best version of yourself.

Q: Can you tell us about yourself?

A: My name is Laura Gluck, I am a nurse at community Memorial Hospital in Ventura California. I currently work in pre and post op, I have wanted to be a nurse since I was six years old!

Q: So it was a good decision to become a nurse?

A: It was a great fit for me. What made me stay in medicine is because I'm good at it. I have a natural knack for wanting to help people.

Q: What got you into health care initially?

A: It was just something I really enjoyed. I'm one of seven children. Whenever somebody got hurt, I was always the first one to go right towards it to help. I’ve always had an attraction to helping people.

Q: You have a lot on your plate. How do you find balance in all of this?

A: I think their balance has to start with awareness of self. There is no secret recipe, there's no secret sauce. It's just what you need for you on that day to show up and be the best version of yourself.

Q: What is some advice you’d give someone pursuing a career in nursing?

A: Nursing is very flexible, there's always something for everybody, you can work in a clinic, you can work in a hospital, you could work in a hotel. There's so many different things you can do.

Q: What has been your favorite nurse job so far?

A: My favorite job to this day ever is being a trauma ICU nurse. That sounds crazy to some people because we see patients in car accidents, with gunshot wounds and stabbings and falls and all sorts of things. But you get to be there for somebody on their worst day.

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